New Endorsement: Mo Brooks for U.S. Senate
Thursday, August 3, 2017We are very proud to endorse conservative Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) for the U.S. Senate in Alabama in the special election to replace Jeff Sessions.
Mo Brooks is a principled leader, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, and the conservative candidate with the best chance of upsetting the DC establishment.
This is very important because Senator Mitch McConnell and his political machine are spending millions of dollars on dishonest attacks so they can defeat Congressman Brooks and elect another establishment Republican who continues business as usual.
McConnell is trying to smear Brooks just like he has done to so many other conservative candidates before. And it’s all so he can elect more senators who won’t fight for our principles.
As conservatives, we have an obligation to fight back. Good conservatives like Mo Brooks should not be treated this way and we don’t need another alligator in the swamp!
Mo Brooks is not afraid to stand up to Mitch McConnell and the Beltway establishment, which is why he has been endorsed by leading conservatives like Congressman Mark Meadows, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham.
The primary will be held on August 15 – just 12 days from now – and it will almost certainly go to a run-off since there are several candidates running and nobody will get 50 percent of the vote.
The top three Republican candidates in the race are former Attorney General Luther Strange, Judge Roy Moore, and Congressman Mo Brooks. Strange is the establishment candidate while Moore and Brooks are both conservatives.
We have decided to support Brooks over Moore in the primary in part to defend him against McConnell’s attacks, but also because we believe that Brooks has the best chance of winning the runoff election.
Roy Moore is a good man and a strong conservative, but we don’t have confidence that he can win the runoff. So if conservatives want to defeat Mitch McConnell’s hand-picked candidate and elect a principled leader, we believe Mo Brooks gives us our best chance of doing that.
And we’re not the only ones who see it that way. Mitch McConnell and his political allies see Congressman Brooks as the biggest threat to their establishment candidate, which is why they have spent $3 million attacking him.
Thank you for doing so much to promote principled leadership in Washington. We’re grateful for your generous support.